Friday, April 30, 2010

Like all writers; photos is a Greek word which means light….blah blah… I’ll not give the definition of photography. All I want to write is about the relation I have with photography. It would still not justify my passion for photography if I pen it down, “as a perched land thirsts for water so do I long for the photography”. I have no idea from where but photography is all in my blood. I cannot really express how much I love photography, it has been my passion from very young age but I never gave it boost. There was no one who would encourage me with what I am really gifted at. Even my mom or any of my family members hardly know how much passionate I am in photography. All they know is that I am artistic and creative. Well I cannot blame them for not knowing about my passion, because I never got the chance to show them what I can do with cameras and light. We did have two old model reels cameras at home but I was not much permitted to show case my talent with all the expensive rolls.
So in a way my passion was all subdued within myself until during my college days in Darjeeling I got my hands on digital cameras. I started clicking and as all artists would do I also dipped the brush of my life in the paint of my soul and started painting my long dormant dreams. I have reached this far in my photography all because one of my friends. Among all there is one who really encouraged me to keep the clicks going. She was the first one who really gave wings to my photography, she even suggested me to peruse a carrier in photography. Well I just want to thank God for sending her to me with all those encouraging words and support. I want o thank her too through this blog for helping reignite my skills. Had it not been her I would not have clicked so far.
Later all my friends also came to know about me and my clicks and they truly appreciated me and helped me in this passion of mine. The fire of photography still burns within we and it shall never be extinguished. Well the sad part of the story is that I still don’t have a camera of my own. I know its kind a funny and ironic part of the story, ‘A photographer without a camera’? But that is the fact, so far I have borrowed others camera and clicked. Of course I do wish if I have a camera of my own some SLR Cannon D90 or Nikon etc, but for now there is no other option then to say, ‘it’s ok Ccir’ and just pray…
For now you enjoy some of my clicks and please do leave a comment to let me know about your opinions. (PLASE MIND THAT ALL THE SNAPS WERE CLICKED WITH 5 MEGA PIXCEL CAMERA AND THE INSTANT SNAP FRAME ARE EDITED LATER TO STOP PALGRASIM)
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Thursday, April 29, 2010
Trash Or Treasure?

We human beings have a peculiar habit installed in us which always says that what we assume and think right is right for sure. If we think that certain thing in life is useless and worthless then we seal it with conformation that is useless and never even look back at it. We have our own estimates and standards to consider certain thing as good and bad, we call some part of our life as blessing and some as curse. Sometime we really wish that we could turn the hands of time and move life the other way round, but guess what the result will be? It will still be the same, regret at some point of time and conclude that the former solution was better. Bible says that each day we have in our life is the day God has made and we are to rejoice in it (Psalm 118:24) so if each day is made by God then He definitely has a purpose for it, either you spend the day morning or rejoicing it still is the day that Lord has made.
Many a times we have things around which we don’t recognize it as blessing. In fact we shun it away because we are so confident that it is not at all a blessing. We think that if things don’t happen the way we think it should then we deem it as problem, curse and so on. But I say that if things are not happening your way, then rejoices because it is surely happening the God’s way. And that is more of a blessing then it would have been happening your way. Remember that “SOME PROBLEMS ARE BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE”. Often we look the outer presentation of the situation and fooled with our own attitude of intelligence we make false prediction of the blessing of the God. It may be a treasure not the Trash just give a second thought otherwise you may be too late when someone other recognizes and takes it away.
Often we have rejected Ministers thinking them as Monsters, Blessings as Curse and Treasure as Trash but now I want you all to realize that we are completely going wrong in doing that.
One great excuse we all make is by saying “let God have His way”, or let Him do I’ll sit and wait. That is not the way life works, it is said God helps those who helps themselves, and in Bible it is said slumbers are cursed. “Let God have His way” should be the theme of life not way of life. Ask God, what next you got to do not do what you want to do and assume that it’s the will of God. Show your eagerness about the things you want to do and anticipate God’s aid.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monsoon In Darjeeling

Today 29th on April is the third time there has been heavy down pour. Monsoon has started here in Darjeeling. Well right now as I am updating this blog I can hear loud thunder and lightning. Some of the school students are also returning from school because the classes have been suspended. Monsoon in Darjeeling is not as much fun as in other parts of the world because if it rains for more than a month then we have landslides and soil erosions. You can see my second post in this blog to see the consequences of the rain in Darjeeling. Since it is a very hilly place we rather not entertain downpour as much as others would do. But for few days we do enjoy the rain and then despise. Enjoy it because we get plenty of water to wash and use…..haha……
Getting wet in the rain and coming home doused in the early rain has a different taste in life.I do miss my school days when we use to get wet on purpose so that the school dresses are not dry by next day so that we can stay home on this lame excuses. Naughty right? Well that’s something I love about monsoon
Well right now I am happy to be in Darjeeling and enjoy the rain….
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sorry and Life's Best

Sorry is a very easy word to say but a very hard word to except. The word sorry doesn’t lighten the pain of the heart. Sorry doesn’t really fill in the gap that the time has made nor does it erases it. Sorry is said so that you can restart and make a new better beginning. But remember that we have just one life and we just make one use of it, be it good or bad. There is no rehearsal in life every act is the final, so we have to give our every best when we do it. We make no mistakes about life that can be lived to be perfected later on. Things can be recreated and building reconstructed but in life there is no rewind button all we have is play. Life is like a burning candle once we lit we got to burn till the very end of the wick. We cannot recollect the evaporated wax or the burnt wick to restart it again from the beginning. Our past is the memories that is imprinted in us which can never be erased we carry it till the grave. Be it about love, life or of any fancy stories we can never format your personal hard discs.
Dear readers I am writing all these just to make you aware that life is not some experiment you do in some lab. Make the best use of all the first time experience you get to have and make it best so you don’t have to live to have a second try. You can take time but do all that you want to do once and for all giving your best. If you do so, even if you don’t get the second chance to experience the same you’ll have enough memories to cherish about your first that you no more a looser but a victor. Many things will come in life that seems to satisfy you but still not satisfy you the way you first had, and that is because there is only once first time in life. Nothing can compensate it. I had my life’s many first times in many things and with the collective study from many dignified people I hereby came to the conclusion that we try to forget our past to make our future ever more worse.
We all live for once and the special moments we experience are also for once, they never come again in our lives. We may try all our best to recreate the moment but it’ll never be the same. We may have thousand religions but only one true God and we may live to see thousand sun rises but there is only one Sunshine in your life that touches you and brightens the deepest corner of your heart. Nothing can ever replace it.
May be nobody understands you but your life’s that sunshine will surely do.
Live to make every first of your life the last and the best.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It all begins at our small rented room in Darjeeling where my sister used to stay alone. One fine winter day she finds that a dog of the neighborhood has given birth to few cute puppies. Since the days were cold and being a pet lover she made a warm shelter for them. Among all the puppies her attention went to one of the white puppy with few small patches of black. She called it ‘baby’ and tried to fondle it. The male puppy responded to my sister’s voice with a lovely blink of its tender eyelids and that is how he was christened “baby”. That very moment she decided to make him her pet because in her solitary living the dog would be a good company.
Baby and my sister’s love for each other grew increasingly more with time. My sister would love him a lot and take him where ever she went, even to markets in her hand bag with baby’s head overlooking the view of the world around him. In fact baby was a lucky dog to have got such love and care. In such a young time he had travelled almost most of the places I had ever travelled in that age. He used to be wherever my sister went Dharan (Nepal), Garibas, Kalimpong, Siliguri and so on.
Once my sister went to LTI (Leadership Training Institute) for one week and left baby with me. He was just 4 weeks old then but I loved him too, in fact all my paying guest family did. He had made room in everybody’s heart. He was very jolly and loved to play all the time. My sister used to bath him almost every time and even perfumed him. He used to sleep by the side of your bed with us.
But alas! Very recently when he had lived with us for about one year or so he left us all. He was sick with food poisoning (probably for nobody knew of his sudden sickness) and nobody could do anything because at that time he was in a remote village where medication was very impossible and it was already too late when things where arranged for his treatment. Tears rolled down the eyes of our whole family and almost all the people who knew him as he lay dead on the kitchen floor with faint smile still in his same tender eyes. He was more than the part of our family.
It has already been about three months of its departure but still we feel the pain of its loss, his jolly barks still echoes in our ears. We’ll for ever miss him……..
This surely is a strange world, even a dog can make a room in your heart and leave an everlasting imprint of memories that time cannot erase…….
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I know you all will not be so interested to read about my room but i just want to write about it because it is where i grew to man for the last three years. The walls of my rooms have answered many of my wried thoughts, the windows of it has showed me many new things of the world around me. The door of my room has let many strangers in to be some of my best friends and support.My room is a small four walled plywood nook. Days here in Darjeeling are often very cold with hardly any sunshine so my walls best suits the weather to keep me warm and cozy.
I decorate my room my own style noting to do with designer stuffs but just something that would make the walls smile at me when I am down. My room is my temple where I pray, my Office where I work, my bedroom where I sleep, my living room where I chat, it is everything for except kitchen and toilet(they are outside). It is a fortress for me keeping me safe from all sorts of weather so far, I have seen snow fall, hail stone, light storm, heavy down pour, lightening, thunder etc from this very room. I'll never forget the faithful love it has showed me. It hears much of me and speaks less that is the best part of my room. It hates none but loves all. I like to keep my room clean and put up things organised. I hate to keep my room in mess! My arts are the jewels for my room and my crafts the music.
I have a small flower garden beside my room that can be called a park for where I can spend some sunny hours during the free time.
Some of the rules of my room are, keep it clean, sweep the floor twice a day, mob every Sunday,No cob webs, books in its place, footwear in its own place(in short all organised)....well there are many but let me not write all and bore you all.
No wonder my room is my Heart...
You all are welcome to pay me a visit....
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Monday, April 5, 2010
Darjeeling facts

some interesting facts about Darjeeling.In the monsoon the rain here is very risky. Since Darjeeling is a hill station we have lots of steep slopes. Here if the rain pours continually for more than two weeks then there is always some landslide going on some where or the other. The houses here are built so skillfully in the steep slope, some even on top of the rock because there is less land available for the house to stand. it is very risky to have houses on the rock but so far there has been no such accident. but houses built on the land are usually the victims. It sounds absurd to have houses on the rock or with one of the foundations on the rocks, but guess what? That is the raw fact i am writing here.
I have some of the snaps clicked so that you all the readers can believe me.
So in a way the architecture here in Darjeeling is something to be appreciated. The houses squeeze amongst themselves to get their part of the space.
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