Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It all begins at our small rented room in Darjeeling where my sister used to stay alone. One fine winter day she finds that a dog of the neighborhood has given birth to few cute puppies. Since the days were cold and being a pet lover she made a warm shelter for them. Among all the puppies her attention went to one of the white puppy with few small patches of black. She called it ‘baby’ and tried to fondle it. The male puppy responded to my sister’s voice with a lovely blink of its tender eyelids and that is how he was christened “baby”. That very moment she decided to make him her pet because in her solitary living the dog would be a good company.
Baby and my sister’s love for each other grew increasingly more with time. My sister would love him a lot and take him where ever she went, even to markets in her hand bag with baby’s head overlooking the view of the world around him. In fact baby was a lucky dog to have got such love and care. In such a young time he had travelled almost most of the places I had ever travelled in that age. He used to be wherever my sister went Dharan (Nepal), Garibas, Kalimpong, Siliguri and so on.
Once my sister went to LTI (Leadership Training Institute) for one week and left baby with me. He was just 4 weeks old then but I loved him too, in fact all my paying guest family did. He had made room in everybody’s heart. He was very jolly and loved to play all the time. My sister used to bath him almost every time and even perfumed him. He used to sleep by the side of your bed with us.
But alas! Very recently when he had lived with us for about one year or so he left us all. He was sick with food poisoning (probably for nobody knew of his sudden sickness) and nobody could do anything because at that time he was in a remote village where medication was very impossible and it was already too late when things where arranged for his treatment. Tears rolled down the eyes of our whole family and almost all the people who knew him as he lay dead on the kitchen floor with faint smile still in his same tender eyes. He was more than the part of our family.
It has already been about three months of its departure but still we feel the pain of its loss, his jolly barks still echoes in our ears. We’ll for ever miss him……..
This surely is a strange world, even a dog can make a room in your heart and leave an everlasting imprint of memories that time cannot erase…….
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