Friday, May 28, 2010
In Memory of My Beloved Aunt.

Some of the most unforgettable days of our lives are the days when you really get to realize how much somebody mean to you only to know that they are not there for you anymore. This day is the day in your life you’ll never forget. We only truly value things and people when they are no more around because then we realize the vacuum that is left behind by that person are so unfillable. Things just don’t fit in then, it is then like the zig saw puzzle piece that you have lost forever, your life always remains incomplete no matter what ever you try to fill in that gap for there is only one such piece of puzzle in this entire world and you have just lost that one forever. And we are ready to do anything to bring that piece back if there was any such chance, even a chance of 10 to the power billions of a fraction you would still risk to take the chance to bring that person back.
One such moment was today in my life 29th May I lost too someone who was dearest to me though I never got the chance to articulate all the love I ever had for her. I had piled up words for her and made promises to myself within this innocent heart to always take care of things that I was entrusted though not officially. Today was the day I lost one of my beloved aunt and rather a mother……I cannot forget that day, it still clouds my heart when I remember of the atmosphere of the house in that small village in Kalimpong.
That was the day I made a promised not to let go things just for the mistakes me make, for mistakes can be corrected and habits adapted, but people lost cannot be brought back. On that day I truly understood what life is and how it hurts when we are left lonely. What hurts more is not the pain of the departure of that person but the pain of realization that they are gone forever never to be seen again…
As I sat in an old chair of that cold night in May 29 in that grief stricken house I started to miss the times I use to talk with her in the phone though not too often, even if it was just a, "hello and how are you?". I just cannot imagine how her families would ever have felt, the cries and the pain still echoes in my ears and it still gives me that pinch of unbearable pain. I remember the talking I did to my uncle days after the funeral outside the church and even now I can still remember the pain that was in his voice never to be healed again. For who can replace her in his life?..........……the vacuum is created forever!!!
Only Jesus can fill that vacuum, for only He has experienced what that worst of we have ever experienced. He knows what it means to be betrayed for few silver coins after all the love He gave, He knows how it feels to be denied three times the same night after loving the same guy for years, He knows what it means to be lonely, heart broken and forsaken, for that is how He exactly went to the cross of Calvary for us,for our sins for the love He had for us..........
Life surely is like a wild flower as Bible says; we bloom for a while and just fade away. I do have whys? of life to God about her death as I sit here today writing in memory of her but I can never question Him because I must remember that I am also only one of those wild flowers waiting for my turn to wither, He is the giver and taker we have no right to question Him, instead just thank Him that I have lived to see another day.
(In memory of my beloved aunt who probably is reading these lines for whom I could not do anything despite all the promises I made....)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
TRUE it and be blessed too.
It had been nearly weeks that I have been in my room all alone just speaking to myself and doing nothing like a lost pyramid in the vast desert of silent sand. For the past few days I have been going through deep abyss of some personal depressions. This blog of mine was created mostly for the God’s work hence the name “promises4today” but it has nearly been a week that it was not getting loaded in my notebook. I tried all my computer skills possible to get it working but to no avail; I even consulted some experts online but still no answer to the question.
But the amazing thing was that it was working fine in other machines, so we finally concluded that may be my internet service provider has blocked my domain in my service. So now if that was it what else could I do? I had no other options then to just wait till the time for the recharge for the voucher of the connection so at that time I can talk to agents there.
Today I was in the most deepest part of my personal depression,…for hours in my room all alone I was talking to God worshiping him with my guitar and praying and crying, pouring my pains, frustrations, gilts, repenting and humbling in front of Him and asking for a new hope in life. As I was praying I was crying uncontrollably and after long hours I was completely exhausted because I had not had a single grain of food the whole day even though I was not on fast. The spirit of the Lord came on me, I was feeling lighter a bit then, and certain happiness was ignited in me, I prayed and thanked God for this new state of ecstasy and I caught hold of my Bible, kneeled down and prayed with utmost sincerity, “Jesus speak to me through this Bible, communicate with me through it, give me revelations,........I thank you on behalf of all the generations that went by and that is yet to come for leaving this Bible for us, The Spiritual food, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
This was the simple pray I prayed and I flipped the pages and suddenly I was directed to the book of Job chapter 42 verse 10-12. There God speaks to Job of He being pleased with Job and He restoring back all Job ever had in the multiplications. God spoke to me through these verses in many ways. I had never ever in my Bible study time had landed in the books of Job as much as I had in Psalms and other New Testaments books. The scriptures gave me hope that I was seeking for, by now I was praising God and giving Him thanks for speaking to me. I was so happy that I really wanted to share this testimony to any one possible, then suddenly I remember my blog, I thought I wish the blog was working in my notebook so that I could published it and people would be blessed too. Now the Spirit came and told me to do something you all won’t believe, It told me to pray! I quickly picked up my portable modem and put it between the pages of my Bible (I don’t know why I did that but The Spirit told me to do so) and I prayed loudly asking God to make the thing work with the blog so that I can share His glory with you all. As I prayed my faith got even stronger and by the time I said amen I was sure enough that my prayer was already answered. I quickly connected the modem and loaded my blog the first, and sure enough it got loaded. Yes dear readers it worked, miracle happened, my prayer was answered, He is indeed living. I was jumping with joy and gave thanks to the lord with songs as I caught hold of my guitar and played some praises. What was not working till an hour ago and weeks was now working fine with power of the Jesus. Nothing is impossible in Jesus.
This is a small testimony I wanted to share, in fact there are many and I’ll be sharing with you all one after another as the days to come. I just want to say that, yes Jesus is living and He alone is a prayer answering God. Trust in Him and you’ll surely not be disappointed…..He loves you all as much as He does to me and every Christians. He will answer your prayers too, all you need is that you surrender your lives to him and believe in Him.
God bless you all.
(If you all also have such testimonies and want to share for the Glory of God please mail it to me at I'll be happy to publish it. For now I want you all to click the Share button at top and share this testimony with your friends "Just A Click For Christ")
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Please click the above share button to share this notice in the face book for better announcement.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Battle Cry
Mini Battle Cry, Saturday 22nd May 2010, Venu: Union Church, Darjeeling, Soul Winners Ministries.
This was my first time in Battle Cry fellowship though it is organized by the Soul Winner Ministries every month (better known as Mini Battle Cry). I was never able to attend because the timing clashes with my other fellowship which is done in Bhanu Grahm under Campus Crusade for Christ. But this time I any how managed to attend sacrificing my regular fellowship for a change.
This fellowship “Battle Cry” was started mainly focusing on the youths of the present generation who are lost in this lust full world. In this fellowship the youths of all the denominations and faiths are welcomed and they are led into praise and worship, words of God and finally with the follow ups to grow in the Lord. They are taught about the wonderful plans and promises that Christ has for their lives, this fellowship has been helping many young’s life turn into blessings and living testimonies.
Today’s message was about being “True to Heart” and doing what God wants us to do with utmost sincerity. Keeping Darjeeling’s critical situation in focus speaker deacon. Mr. Ajay from Full Gospel Church encouraged all present there that we should start now a prayer movement amongst ourselves. Meeting in a particular place every day throughout the year and praising God and interceding for Darjeeling and the extension of the Kingdom of God. This was a challenging message for all of us because here we are not talking about just the harvesting but the labor involved in planting the seeds and the sacrifices….
Keeping in mind that this year 2010 as the year of Restoration all the Christian congregations and movements are praying and chain fasting in different places in making the world a better place to live.
I would like to request on behave of Soul winner ministries and all the fellow believers that you too participate and seriously partner with us in this common goal of ours.
May God bless you and use you all for the best.
"The Mega Battle Cry Conference" will be held in Gym Khana on 1st, 2nd and 3rd of September, Speaker: Ps. Richard Maybery.
For more details please click here
Friday, May 21, 2010
Darjeeling QUEEN of HILLS or KING of KILLS?
22nd May 2010, Darjeeling morns another day in the memory of late Mr. Madan Tamang!!!
A big question for today: “Is Darjeeling a QUEEN OF HILLS or a KING OF KILLS?”
After the assassination of ALGLF President Mr. Madan Tamang yesterday in the broad day light it has stirred a air of new revolution in our fight for a different state, “GORKHALAND”. It has now stained our history forever.
Does the incident that took place yesterday prove that we the Gorkhas are brave? Or does it proves we are still cowards and uncivilized? Has Gorkhas lost their minds?.....where is the glory we Gorkhas boast about? Khukari our only identity and solution????...............
What is that Darjeeling really in need of??? What should be done to make Darjeeling a better place to inhibit???.........what and where are we going wrong???
Please freely leave all your views and suggestion below in the comment box and voice yourself and participate in making awareness among we the Gorkhas.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Worst has Struct Darjeeling
Darjeeling is now in chaos......the mob has already gone mad shops and shcools are closed. Armed police are every where. Early morning the police had to even fire to mobilize the angry mob and people are injured and are admitted to the hospitals.
The All India Gorkha League has alleged that it is the works of their rival party Gorkha Janmukti Morcha. However Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has denied the charge. We don't know what waits ahead but surely things are going to be pretty dirty here.
Please remember Darjeeling in your prayers.
Your your Best Wishes, suggestions and your comforts for your fellow Gorkhas is most appreciated if you can put in down in the comment box below.
Wishes For Amir da
This Is A Birthday Note For A Brother. 21st May 2010
It's about someone who never gets to hear, nearly enough, what a wonderful guy he is. He's a person who has been thanked by my heart for a hundred things, but hardly ever... by my words. And he is an amazing guy who has always been appreciated so enormously, but for reasons that have only been known to me!
So, Brother, I thought it might be time to do something about that...
I am sorry that I don't tell you more often how much you mean -- and how much you have always meant -- to me.
We have a closeness that doesn't need to be measured in miles. Ours is the warm and sharing kind that has always been measured in memories made, reassurance given, and the nicest kind of smiles anyone could ask for. You are a big part of my life, and you always will be.
And I don't know what I did to deserve such a great brother, but whatever it was... I hope you know that I treasure you so much, and I'm eternally grateful that we are "family.
With love Ccir.(and family)
(If you all the readers also want to wish Amir Gurung(my own brother)a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" irrespective of your acquittance and relation with him you can leave your wishes and love in the comment box below and extend your blessings for him)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Money Ain't Everything

One can never find anything done without having one’s wallet speak. Bible truly says the money is root of all evil. The present world has become so corrupt all for the crave of money. People have forgotten the morale of life all for the hunt of living a sophisticated life with money enough. Money is now your life, without it you don’t have identity. A mother forgets her child, a husband kills his wife, a child murders his parents, strangers kidnaps children, girls markets their body, etc all for money.
But what I want to write here is that money ain’t everything! Money can buy luxury but not comfort, money can buy victories but not peace, money can buy medicine but not health, money can buy friends but not family, money can buy education but not wisdom, money can buy sympathy but not love, money can buy religion but not salvation….. There are many things that money cannot buy.
Don’t weary yourself trying to get rich. Why waste your time? For riches can disappear as though they had wings of a bird. Proverbs: 23: 4-5
Let money be a factor of life but not the life itself. Even I cannot deny that money is something I do need too. But let it not be for which you forget everything, it is something that is man made so it can never be more than man itself, right? What I mean to say here is that we have somehow so lost in the cloud of capitalism that we no more have any humanity left in us. We have drifted to the orbit of barbarism and animalism.
Remember: “peace makes money and money makes war”
So let’s make sure we don’t let money change us. We gotta remain the same germs and pearls that money cannot buy or change for we are one of kind in this world.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Breaking News In The Hills

Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, the present leading party of the hills has strictly declared two days of complete strike (today 15th and 16th of May 2010) in the hills (Darjeeling, Kurseong, Kalimpong...). The party’s leader Mr. Bimal Gurung has declared that all schools and tea states and government offices to be closed completely. However the tea states workers whose livelihood depends on their daily wages are protesting against the bandh. And the party has also declared ten days of bandh from June 12th onwards to draw the attention of the government.
The reason for the strike is said to make the government pay heed to the demands of the people of hills for a different state by the name “Gorkha Land”. However the government has so far turned deaf ears to the voices of the hills. In the recently held bureaucratic-level meeting on 11th May the Centre and the state refused to discuss the matter of giving the Gorkhas a different state. So in response to that the part is herby holding two days complete strike in the hills.
However it seems that the GJM has lost some of its trusts from the people of the hills because some parties are arising against them especially in stopping the bandh. Because it seems that bandh has already caused a drastic fall in the business growth of the people of the hills as many of the tourist have already cancelled their tour plans. Hopefully we are expecting no violence as there is every chance that the situation can change because of all the oppositions.
We wait to see what comes out of this in anticipation and prayer……..
Source: Telegraph

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Grief a private business
We all laugh together but cry alone. You may have people who understand you but you’ll never have people who can feel what you feel. No one can really get in to your shoes and feel what you are exactly feeling that moment of time even as they mourn with you. This is a simple fact that Bible talks about in Proverbs: 14:10 “Each heart knows its own bitterness and no one else can fully share its joy”. Your loved ones can comfort you with soothing words but they can never heal you. There is only one person who can really feel what you are feeling and can take part in what you are through and that is God. But since he is not physical to our eyes we fail to lean on His existence. But God knows human heart the best, He knows that we can never be satisfied with his existence and that is the sole reason He made Eve for Adam. He loves us a lot and he cares to provide us a support we can lean when we are here in this earth. But He wants you to remember that it is He who provided that support at the same time. If you forget that and start your own world then He’ll take that gift away from you.
I know my part of the pain I am through and you’ll never be able to feel what I’ve felt nor will I be able to feel yours part of the pain or the joy. That is something we can never change. But there is something we can always do and that is to show that we really care for each other’s situation. We can show our concerns by standing with that grief stricken person especially when he or she needs the most. That is how we show how much we care for the suffering that person is going through. Stand with that person even if you are not much of help to that person, even if you can do nothing to improve his or her situation. For at that time your company matters more that your words. In Bible we have a person called Job when he is grief stricken he still had three friends around him to give him company even though they were not much a help for Job and his problems. Remember action speaks more than words. Don’t quit and run away from that person or remain silent that will worsen the grief of that person.
Stand with that person even if the whole world walks away and show that you do really care…
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
You Are The BEST!
Nothing is accidental with God so are you not. God has blessed you with many blessings just try to count your blessings and give thanks for what you have and not what you don’t have because that is how life is to be lived. See to yourself seriously and find out how you are blessed, eg: Acknowledge that you have eyes to see some people are blind from birth aren’t you blessed from them?, you have hands to write, legs to walk and in many ways your blessed. Focus your thoughts to such things and always be thankful and never be dissatisfied with life. Don’t be sad because what you want is not there but be happy because what you need is always there for you. Remember that human needs have no limitations.
Think of one quality of your life that you are best at and remind to yourself that you one out of the millions, you are the master piece that God is proud of. Have you ever said, “Thank you God", for your wonderful family, for your best moments of your life, for your good friend’s companies, for your education, for the safty you have had so far in your life’s journey,……..These is something we people always miss because we are so busy enjoying life. Give a thought dear readers and curse me if I am wrong but if you think that my words near to truth even for a faction, then say thank you God with a honest heart.
So let today be the day you praise God for all that He has given you so far and make a difference for yourself in the eye of the God. And remember you are the best……yes your hair I love it, your eyes, your smiles, your way of listening to my words, your concern for others, your readiness to help people……yes dear friend you are still THE BEST.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
CSC Retreat cum Farewell
Under the Campus Crusade for Christ we have students’ fellowship for all the students of every denominations and faiths to grow in together in the love of Christ. All the students from every college within the given region gather every Saturday for the fellowship. We the Darjeeling Team have our fellowship every Saturday at 1:00 pm at Bhanu Graham, Singamari, Darjeeling.
As refreshment for the students especially for the graduating students we the Campus Student Connection (CSC) go for the retreat cum farewell program each year. This activity is marked as moment to appreciate the passing out students for their involvement in the movement of the Campus Crusade for Christ within their stay of three years in the college.
So this year 2010 for the students of Kalimpong and Darjeeling we had a combined RETREAT cum FAREWELL program at Trevani (confluence of river Rangeet and river Teesta) a picnic spot near Teesta, 6th May. There were around 8 students in total who where graduating this year from their respective colleges. They were appreciated with a memento and certificates at the end of the retreat. Campus crusade staff Mr. Tashi Wangdi Bhutia (Team leader), Mr. Sagar Ghishing and Mrs. Purnima Ghishing accompanied with many other Alumnies were the key person involved in the program. We had self cooked lunch and games played amongst ourselves making the day even more alive.
These graduating students leave their colleges in pursuit of their goals but they do not leave the movement because they then become the member of LIFE NET. Life Net is another connection of all the alumni of the Students Connections. This means that no matter where these students go for their further studies or even in any field of their carrier they will still be connected to the movement through all the ways possible and contrib uting for the movement.
As always this year’s retreat cum farewell program was also very blessed and memorable with the grace of God.