Saturday, May 22, 2010
Battle Cry
Mini Battle Cry, Saturday 22nd May 2010, Venu: Union Church, Darjeeling, Soul Winners Ministries.
This was my first time in Battle Cry fellowship though it is organized by the Soul Winner Ministries every month (better known as Mini Battle Cry). I was never able to attend because the timing clashes with my other fellowship which is done in Bhanu Grahm under Campus Crusade for Christ. But this time I any how managed to attend sacrificing my regular fellowship for a change.
This fellowship “Battle Cry” was started mainly focusing on the youths of the present generation who are lost in this lust full world. In this fellowship the youths of all the denominations and faiths are welcomed and they are led into praise and worship, words of God and finally with the follow ups to grow in the Lord. They are taught about the wonderful plans and promises that Christ has for their lives, this fellowship has been helping many young’s life turn into blessings and living testimonies.
Today’s message was about being “True to Heart” and doing what God wants us to do with utmost sincerity. Keeping Darjeeling’s critical situation in focus speaker deacon. Mr. Ajay from Full Gospel Church encouraged all present there that we should start now a prayer movement amongst ourselves. Meeting in a particular place every day throughout the year and praising God and interceding for Darjeeling and the extension of the Kingdom of God. This was a challenging message for all of us because here we are not talking about just the harvesting but the labor involved in planting the seeds and the sacrifices….
Keeping in mind that this year 2010 as the year of Restoration all the Christian congregations and movements are praying and chain fasting in different places in making the world a better place to live.
I would like to request on behave of Soul winner ministries and all the fellow believers that you too participate and seriously partner with us in this common goal of ours.
May God bless you and use you all for the best.
"The Mega Battle Cry Conference" will be held in Gym Khana on 1st, 2nd and 3rd of September, Speaker: Ps. Richard Maybery.
For more details please click here
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